Entries by Jennifer Farley

Balbriggan Loves Learning Festival

The Balbriggan Loves Learning virtual festival is taking place online from 19th – 30th April 2021. DDLETB is proud to be a part of it. So what’s it all about and what’s on? ARE YOU A JOBSEEKER? Find out about the supports available to you! CV and Interview skills, training and education options, starting a […]

Minister Simon Harris Makes A Virtual Visit To Collinstown

The Minister of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation & Science Simon Harris paid a virtual visit to Collinstown Park Community College today. The Minster met with learners – Claire, Luke and Amanda – who shared their learning journey. He was particularly interested in female participation in IT, lifelong learning, Traineeship and future careers in […]

Dublin Learning City Virtual Festival 22 – 24 March

The Dublin Learning City virtual festival takes place from 22nd to 24th March. The free festival celebrates and promotes learning for all with a terrific selection of fun and creative events. DDLETB is delighted to be part of the festival and will be showcasing some of our many Further Education and Training opportunities. We will […]

DDLETB Local Youth Club Grant Scheme

Introduction to the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme incorporating the National Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups: The Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS or ‘the Scheme’) supports volunteer-led youth club/group activities at a local level. The Scheme, which provides grant aid towards the costs of running clubs/groups, is part-funded by the proceeds of the […]

Statement of Strategy – Further Education & Training 2021 – 2023

The Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris and Minister of State for Further Education and Skills Niall Collins launched a three-year strategy for the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. Minister Harris said: “The department has ambitious goals to reform our higher education sector, to […]

Blanchardstown Youthreach Wins The Best Performance Award At Junk Kouture

There was some fantastic news for Blanchardstown Youthreach last week. The Warrior team took the crown for Best Performance at the Youth Kouture competition. Well with that raw energy and passion showing, @YouthreachB won the “Best Performance Award” @junkkouture ….enjoy the performance again. @ddletbYR @ddletb @SOLASFET @NAYCEXEC @ESF_Ireland pic.twitter.com/H1J337STG7 — BlanchardstownYR (@YouthreachB) February 4, 2021 […]

Happy New Year From DDLETB

  Happy New Year to all of our staff, students, trainees and adult learners. 2020 was a difficult, challenging year for many people. There was a lot of uncertainty and unfortunately, that continues as we start into a new year. However, one thing we can be certain of, is that all of our staff will […]

DDLETB Newsletter – COVID Special!

We’re so happy to present the DDLETB Newsletter. The focus of this newsletter is on how our schools, centres and colleges have adapted to teaching and learning during the COVID pandemic. We have contributions from every level, from infants, second-level, Youthreach and further education. Download the DDLETB COVID Newsletter Dec 2020 Web