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Simon Harris TD Congratulates Youthreach Rush

Rush Youthreach Celebrates 30 Years!

Congratulations to the staff and students at Rush Youthreach who are celebrating 30 years of this wonderful service!

Messages of congratulations have come in from the EU Commissioner, from Simon Harris Minister of Further Education and from President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins.

Message From President Michael D Higgins

Message From President Michael D Higgins

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Message from Minister Simon Harris to Youthreach Rush

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Message from EU Commissioner to Youthreach Rush

About Youthreach Rush

Ros-Eó (Rush) is known as the Peninsula of the Yew Tree. It is a seaside village situated in north county Dublin 30km from Dublin city with an approximate population of 11,042 (census 2022).

The Youthreach Rush education centre is located in the old Vocational School, built in 1958.  The building is the property of DDLETB. Youthreach Rush opened in November 1991 for students from the catchment area of North Fingal. The catchment area for the centre is Rush, Lusk, Skerries and surrounding rural areas.  Due to COVID lockdown the centre 30 year celebration was delayed, so it was with great excitement that honoured guests, past students, staff and current students were welcomed to celebrate this fantastic milestone. 

The staff in Rush consist of one Co-ordinator, two Resource Persons, five part-time Teachers and one administrator.  Rush has an allocation of 25 full-time student places; aged from 15 to 19 years of age.  The centre consists of a fully fitted kitchen/canteen, four general-purpose classrooms, an art room and computer room with twelve networked broadband computers and two offices.

Rush was the first Youthreach centre in Dublin and Dún Laoghaire ETB to offer formal certification in 1996. Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) was introduced in 2002, alongside QQI Level 4 certification and QQI level 5 certification in Business Studies and Childcare as a progression route.

Today the centre offers QQI accredited programmes at Level 3 in General Education, Level 4 in General Studies and at Level 5 in Business Studies. Language, Literacy and Numeracy is a priority in Youthreach Rush and integrated across all subject areas. The centre also runs Fastrack to Information Technology (FIT) programme, Choose Tech, BKSB (an online literacy & numeracy programme) and Manual Handling. The Dublin and Dún Laoghaire ETB Psychological Support Service (PSS) was established in 1992 to address the special needs of centres and schools.  The Service is available to all staff and students registered within the ETB system.  They deliver preventative work with target groups and offer professional and personal support to teaching staff in relation to centre issues and support to parents, in relation to individually referred young persons and to other centre-related issues.

Youthreach Rush has undergone an enormous transformation over the past 30 years. The staff team are committed to delivering a high-quality education programme for all. Students are offered the opportunity to identify and pursue viable options within adult life and they are provided with the opportunity to acquire certification and qualifications necessary for work.  It is a flexible programme, which aims to meet the needs of all students with the diversity, skills and dedication of all staff. Youthreach Rush supports young people and aids their transition to further education and/or employment.

Youthreach Rush is a Quality Health Promoting centre. The Health Promotion policy strives to improve the physical, mental and emotional health of the students and staff and a commitment to equality and child protection.

As I Am Webinar

Building understanding and inclusion of young people on the Autism Spectrum.

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An training webinar for DDLETB led by Hannah O’Dwyer, Education Training Officer at As I Am.