We welcome your comments and suggestions on our services. You can contact the Customer Services Officer at customerservice@ddletb.ie
Customer Complaints Procedures
We are committed to providing you with a high quality service. We will endeavour to maintain and improve the standard of our services and to keep errors to a minimum. However, we recognise that mistakes or delays will occasionally occur.
If you are not satisfied with our services, you should let us know so that we can work to improve them. We welcome your feedback and will deal with your complaints in confidence.
What is covered by our Complaints Procedure?
This Complaints Procedure covers complaints about issues such as delays, mistakes and poor customer services
What is not covered by our Complaints Procedure?
Complaints made by Parents/ Guardians of a student under 18 yrs. or a student aged 18 yrs. and over currently enrolled in a school/centre, against a staff member employed by DDLETB. For complaints of this nature, please refer to our Code of Practice
A decision of a school Board of Management to permanently exclude a pupil, suspend a pupil or refusal to enrol a child. For complaints of this nature, please refer to Section 29 Appeals
Matter of policy
Matters which are the subject of litigation
Matters which have been referred to the Ombudsman or Information Commissioner
How to make a Complaint under this Complaints Procedure
A complaint in relation to a service provided by us (in Irish or English) can be made in person, by telephone, by fax, in writing or e-mail.
In the first instance, the complaint should be brought to the attention of the DDLETB staff in the department/centre concerned, either orally or in writing. The staff there will try to resolve your complaint without delay.
If your complaint cannot be resolved at a local level or, if you are unhappy with the response you received, you should contact:
Customer Services Officer
Dublin and Dún Laoghaire ETB
1 Tuansgate, Belgard Square East
Dublin 24
Telephone: 01 4529 600
Email: customerservice@ddletb.ie
The information you need to provide us:
- Your name and address, email and telephone number.
- Details on what exactly you are dissatisfied with.
- The name of the department/school/ centre and the official(s) who dealt with you.
If your complaint is complex, you may find it best to put it in writing so that no important detail is overlooked. Remember to send us copies of all relevant documentation/correspondence that you may have received or sent.
What steps will be taken in dealing with your complaint
We will treat your complaint confidentially, fairly and efficiently. We will provide you with a reply having fully considered the nature and extent of the complaint. It is in the interest of the Board that complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. All complaints received by the Customer Services Officer will be dealt with as follows:
- Written acknowledgement within 5 working days
- Response, using plain language, within 20 working days (if it is not possible to meet this target, we will inform you and continue to do so until the matter is resolved)
- The response will provide you with a contact name, telephone number and email address.
If you are unhappy about the outcome of the review by the Customer Services Officer you can appeal the matter to:
Jennifer Talbot
Assistant Principal Officer
Dublin & Dún Laoghaire ETB
1 Tuansgate, Belgard Square East
Dublin 24
Role of the Ombudsman:
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaints and appeals procedures you may request an examination of your complaint by the Ombudsman.
Contact Details:
Address: 18 Lower Lesson Street, Dublin 2
Tel: 01 6785222
Fax: 01 6610570
Website: www.ombudsman.gov.ie
Contact Us
Head Office:
Phone 01- 4529600
9.00 am – 1 pm & 2pm – 5pm
Monday to Friday
General Enquiries:
Charity Number: 20083526
Glaoigh orainn
Fón 01- 4529600
9.00 am - 1 pm & 2pm - 5pm
Luan go hAoine
Fiosrúcháin Ghinearálta:
Uimhir charthanachta: 20083526