#ETBWEEK2025 is a week-long celebration of staff and learners across Ireland’s 16 Education and Training Boards , including DDLETB. The celebration showcases the education and training ETBs provide to learners of all ages in their local communities: from Community National Schools and Community Colleges to Further Education & Training and Youth Services.
The award-winning ETB Excellence Awards takes place on the 27th of March in Croke Park. ETB Hero and RTE Newsreader Ray Kennedy will be our event MC and we’ll have some very special guests.
Key events during ETB WEEK include:
- ETB Excellence Awards recognising excellence, innovation and inclusion across all areas of education, training and youth services;
- ETB All Stars talent competition;
- Launch of landmark publication about Ireland’s Education & Training Boards;
- Muintearas’25: A Celebration of Inclusion in Irish-medium ETB schools;
- Events across ETBs for learners and staff; and
- Campaign to promote ETBs across national, local and social media.
To find out more, check out the ETB Week website.
We’ll keep you updated with all the details for DDLETB’s participation in the coming weeks.

DDLETB ETB Week 2025