What is ethos?
Put simply, ethos is how we live, work and relate to each other in our school community. While it encompasses the curriculum and how it is taught, ethos is broader than this. It also relates to shared core values, to the hidden curriculum, to decision-making processes and to the relationships that underpin the daily life of school. While individual ETB schools have always lived largely by the core values of care, respect and equality there wasn’t a coherent approach by schools. Now all ETB schools can confidently speak about who they are and what they stand for.
So, what is a school’s mission or vision?
All ETB schools will operate in line with ETB ethos but are still free to express their uniqueness through their mission and vision statements. ETB schools in DDL are thriving in the communities that they serve. All our schools strive for excellence in teaching and learning. Some schools prioritise the Irish language. Some have a rich heritage in music. Others have a proud tradition in sports. DDLETB acknowledges and encourages each school to develop their unique identity in line with our shared ethos.
What is ETB School Ethos?
ETB schools are state, co-educational, multidenominational schools underpinned by five core values: Excellence in Education, Care, Equality, Community and Respect. ETB schools are under the patronage of the local Education and Training Boards (ETBs) who are the largest provider of multidenominational education in Ireland. ETB schools give equal opportunities to all students in the communities they serve and strive to provide high-quality education through respectful, positive, supportive and responsive learning environments.
Who owns these schools and what difference does it make?
ETBs are the patrons of ETB Schools. ETBs are statutory authorities with responsibility for Community National Schools, Community Colleges, and a wide range of adult and further education and training centres and services. We have developed an excellent reputation for our provision of inclusive, innovative, high-quality education that meets the needs of the entire community.
Our ETB schools benefit greatly from a broad range of supports and services from the local ETB. ETBs provide governance, educational, administrative, financial, Human Resources and Information Technology (IT) supports to schools. This has a direct impact on the students and families attending these schools, as it allows school leadership to focus on their primary task of leading teaching and learning. This ensures the highest standard of excellence in our schools. ETBs can also provide a valuable service to the parents of students attending ETB schools through their adult education programmes.
What will my child experience in an ETB school?
ETB schools strive to provide all students with equal opportunities to engage with the curriculum and school life. In all aspects of school life, all members of our school communities are treated equitably regardless of their race, gender, religion/belief, age, family status, civil status, membership of the Traveller community, sexual orientation, ability or socio-economic status. Our schools provide a safe physical and social environment that reinforces a sense of belonging to the school community and wider society. They strive to enable every student to realise their full potential regardless of any aspect of their identity or background. Our schools promote a fully inclusive education that recognises the plurality of identities, beliefs and values held by students, parents and staff.
Opening of a New School
The Department of Education (DE) decides where and when new schools are needed in areas of demographic growth. Parents who are eligible are asked to vote for the type of school they would like to be established through an Online Patronage Process System. If the majority of parents express their preference for an ETB school through this process, a Community National School(primary) or a Community College (post-primary) will be established in their area.
For information on upcoming patronage, competitions visit https://patronage.education.gov.ie/
Introducing our Schools’ Ethos Coordinator
Caroline Daly, carolinedaly@ddletb.ie