Mount Seskin CC’s Heart of Gold
By Jennifer Sinclair
Sean Guerrine, a Sixth Year student of Mount Seskin Community College recently won Tallaght Person of the Year Heart of Gold award.

DDLETB Student Mount Seskin Heart of Gold
Charlie Ferguson, Mount Seskin’s principal said: “We are so proud of Sean here in the College. He has been an active member of Student Council for five years now. He is currently our Chairperson of the Council. Over the years Sean been actively involved in many important events like Stand Up Week, Anti-Bullying Week, Comhairle na nOg, to name but a few, as well as fundraisers for our local St. Vincent de Paul. He is very giving of his time and makes a real difference to our College.”
Sean also works closely with St. Thomas’s national school. He meets with Sixth Class students every Wednesday to help prepare students with their transition to secondary school. “ I work with the Sixth Class students helping them prepare for the next stage of their education in secondary school. I worked with Ms Laura Daly, a resource teacher from St. Thomas’s making a video with the Sixth Class and Mount Seskin First Year students about what to expect next year. It was a great experience.”
Every Thursday after school Sean helps out with after school programmes in Citywise, as well as Easter and Summer programmes. Sean is the Chairperson of their Youth Steering Committee. He is focusing on helping with the renovation of a Health and Wellbeing room through fundraising activities.
Indeed, Sean, with the help of his two aunties, Ciara Dwyer and Michelle O’ Donoghue, organised a fund raising event in Citywest in honour of his late grandmother, Monica Guerrine who passed recently. This successful event raised €900 for Our Lady’s Hospice in Harold’s Cross where his grandmother. “We wanted to do something in honour of my grandmother and to thank the hospice for their great care of her.”
Sean’s indomitable spirit, kindness and community spirit shows why he is a very worthy winner of Tallaght Heart of Gold.
Mount Seskin College Students further Cultural Links with Valencian School

DDLETB Mount Seskin Spanish Language Visit
Mount Seskin Community College were delighted to welcome back students from EFA La Malvasia School in Valencia, Spain.
Mount Seskin’s Spanish teacher, José Luis Penón, organised this returning visit. He formed this cultural link by starting an eTwinning project last year with the Institut Escola Joan Ardevol in Cambrils, Spain. Since then, Leargas has awarded Mount Seskin Community College a National Quality Label for this eTwinning project as part of the Erasmus+ programme.
Mount Seskin’s principal, Charlie Ferguson, acknowledged the thriving Language Department in the College.
“This year we are lucky to have two language assistants, Fynn Schultz and Marisa Martin from Germany and Spain respectively. Our German Department is also ably assisted by Áine Burns, a PME from U.C.D.
We are delighted to have been awarded the National Quality Plaque for this Spanish initiative. We are in the process of applying for a Full Erasmus+ Accreditation.”
Mount Seskin Community College provides German, Spanish, French and Russian classes to our students.
The visitors from Valencia got the opportunity to participate in many subjects from the Irish curriculum like Home Economics, Woodwork, Visual Art, Music and P.E.
José Penón said: “Both our students and the Spanish students got so much out of this cultural experience. New friendships have been formed. The students from EFA La Malvasia School said last year’s visit was the highlight of their trip and really wanted to return this year.”
Mount Seskin CC staff and students are looking forward to continuing our cultural links with Spain.