

It’s an exciting time to be young in Fingal!

The Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board has partnered with Fingal County Council and Music Generation to improve music education opportunities available to children and young people in the county. Fingal is the latest area to commence participation in Music Generation, Ireland’s national music education programme which strives to transform children and young people’s lives by giving them opportunities to create, play and perform music in their own communities. ‘Music Generation Fingal’ will be established as part of the programme’s journey towards nationwide expansion, meaning that ultimately children and young people in every city and county in Ireland will have access to high quality, subsidised performance music education.

Music generation fingal

New Opportunities

Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board and Fingal County Council serve Fingal’s youth population through their respective education services and over the coming years Music Generation Fingal will enrich these services by offering new opportunities for children and young people to participate in dynamic and diverse performance music education programmes.

Planning for the roll-out of Music Generation Fingal is underway. The next immediate step is to recruit a new Music Generation Development Officer with specific expertise to oversee programme development. Advertisements for the role are now live on the Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board (DDLETB)website ( and Fingal County Council (FCC) Arts Office website (


Initiated by Music Network in 2010, Music Generation is co-funded by U2, The Ireland Funds, the Department of Education and Skills and Local Music Education Partnerships (LMEPs). Locally, Music Generation Fingal will be led by DDLETB in partnership with FCC and local youth education services. Its formation in Fingal follows a commitment by DDLETB and FCC to provide quality arts and cultural experiences and a commitment by Government in 2017 to support the nationwide roll-out of Music Generation as part of ‘Creative Youth’ – a Creative Ireland plan to enable the creative potential of every child and young person.

Commenting on the programme, Caitriona Murphy, CEO of DDLETB said: “We are delighted to be the lead partner on such an exciting venture with Music Generation and Fingal County Council. We look forward to working collaboratively with all partners to implement this wonderful programme as we open the door to performance music education for our children and young people.”

A New Era

The Mayor of Fingal County Council, Councillor David Healy, said: “This signals a new era for music education in Fingal and is much needed following the challenging year children, young people and musicians have experienced. Providing access to high-quality music education in underserved communities is imperative as we strive to embed the arts in our everyday life. We look forward to a bright and musical future in Fingal.”

The Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly, said: “Following a year of research and development Fingal are delighted to publicly announce this unique and meaningful initiative that is set to enhance the lives of many children and young people in the county. It builds on all that we in Fingal have achieved to date and provides new opportunities to grow Fingal’s cultural capacity by ensuring access to quality music education for Fingal’s youth, and by retaining and attracting music practitioners to live and work in the county.”

Since its establishment in 2010, Music Generation has grown to reach 25 areas of Ireland. Currently, it creates some 67,000 opportunities annually for children and young people to access music tuition, and 400 employment opportunities for skilled musician educators. Since March 2020, Music Generation programmes nationwide have been adapting and innovating to find safe, inspiring ways to connect with children and young people through music, on- and offline.

Rosaleen Molloy, National Director of Music Generation, said: ‘’Fingal has demonstrated enormous ambition and great commitment in setting out its vision for performance music education in local communities. I’m thrilled that Fingal will now be joining Music Generation, and I’m looking forward to working with all partners to realise their vision, which will bring about truly transformative outcomes for the county’s next musical generation.”


Music generation lockup


Balbriggan Loves Learning Festival

Balbriggan-Loves-Learning-Festival-PeopleThe Balbriggan Loves Learning virtual festival is taking place online from 19th – 30th April 2021. DDLETB is proud to be a part of it.

So what’s it all about and what’s on?


Find out about the supports available to you! CV and Interview skills, training and education options, starting a business, job searching and more.


Find out what your community has to offer ….for all ages! Health and wellbeing, courses for personal development, hobbies, interests, returning to education. See what your local community organisations are up to and much more.


Find out about the supports and provisions available to your business. Live sessions include Dublin Regional Skills, DDLETB / DSP and Balbriggan Chamber of Commerce.


Discover the importance of IT skills for learning and employment, including local courses and supports available, tips for online interviews, SMART Balbriggan and much more.

Find out more at


Minister Simon Harris Makes A Virtual Visit To Collinstown

The Minister of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation & Science Simon Harris paid a virtual visit to Collinstown Park Community College today. The Minster met with learners – Claire, Luke and Amanda – who shared their learning journey. He was particularly interested in female participation in IT, lifelong learning, Traineeship and future careers in growth industries. Staff from Collinstown and DDLETB joined the call and detailed the relationship with Microsoft Ireland which led to the establishment of the first Microsoft Data Centre Academy in Europe.

We are very grateful to the Minister for taking the time to visit Collinstown Park.

Collinstown Simon Harris

Danu CSS Leo Vardkar Visit Featured

Tánaiste, Leo Varadkar Visits Danu Community Special School

In July 2019, the Department of Education and Skills (DES) sought the DDLETB to act as Patron for a new special school in the Dublin 15 area.

Danu Community Special School (Danu CSS) is a community special school that provides an appropriate education for students, aged 4 to 18 years old, whose primary diagnosis is Autism and/or Moderate/or Severe General Learning Disabilities.

On 18th November 2019, Danu Community Special School opened its doors and welcomed its first pupils.

Danu-CSS-Leo-Varadkar-Visit-3-featured The Tánaiste, Leo Varadkar, requested a visit to our school. On 12th March 2021 Leo and Emer Currie TD met with all the teachers and pupils in our six classrooms.

Finn in classroom 1 presented Leo with a framed print of a picture of the mythical mother goddess Danu which represents fertility and abundance in the land. The root “dan” in ancient Irish means art, skill, poetry, knowledge, and wisdom.

All the children in the school painted their finger prints around the picture and Adam from classroom 4 wrote ‘Thank you Leo for visiting’.

Leo was very impressed with what we had achieved in a very short space of time and looked forward to visiting again in a non-Covid environment.



Dublin Learning City Virtual Festival 22 – 24 March

Dublin Learning City (@DubLearningCity) | Twitter
The Dublin Learning City virtual festival takes place from 22nd to 24th March. The free festival celebrates and promotes learning for all with a terrific selection of fun and creative events.
DDLETB is delighted to be part of the festival and will be showcasing some of our many Further Education and Training opportunities. We will be hosting a wide range of events as part of the festival.
DDLETB Events include:
  • Creative Writing
  • Emroidery For Beginners
  • Wild Flower Arranging
  • Making Chocolate Macaroons
  • Learn To Meditate
  • Learn To Draw Chalk Portraits
  • 3D Modelling
  • Yoga
  • Drama
  • Reading, Writing and Maths For Adults
  • Mindfulness
  • Pilates
There are also a number of events where you can learn about the DDLETB Adult Education Service and how they can help you if you are thinking about Further Education and Training.

For more information on the festival check out the website – 

DDLETB Local Youth Club Grant Scheme

Introduction to the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme incorporating the National Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups:

Local Youth Club Group SchemeThe Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS or ‘the Scheme’) supports volunteer-led youth club/group activities at a local level. The Scheme, which provides grant aid towards the costs of running clubs/groups, is part-funded by the proceeds of the National Lottery. Funding for the Scheme is provided by the Department of Children, Equality, Integration, Disability and Youth (DCEDIY) and is administered locally by Education and Training Boards (ETBs) as co-grantor and on behalf of DCEDIY. ETBs advertise the Scheme locally on an annual basis, outlining the purpose of the grant and the eligibility criteria.

Download DDLETB Local Youth Club Grant Scheme Application form 2021

Download 2021 Local Youth Club Group Scheme Guidance Notes

The Scheme supports voluntary youth club/group activities for young people; with priority given to clubs/groups catering for young people aged 10–21. The primary focus of the Scheme is to assist local volunteer-led youth clubs/groups that provide a programme of youth work activities for young people. In addition, other clubs/groups that work with young people, but are not specifically providing youth work, are also entitled to apply for funding under the Scheme.

In 2017, DCEDIY incorporated the National Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups (NQSVLYG) into the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS). These national quality standards were developed to support and enhance voluntary work with young people. The three National Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups are:
1. Standard 1: Safety and well-being – Programmes, practices, and people ensure and promote the safety, support and well-being of young people.
2. Standard 2: Young person-centred – Programmes, practices, and people ensure and promote the voluntary participation, inclusion and voice of young people.
3. Standard 3: Developmental and educational – Programmes, practices, and people ensure and promote the development, achievement and progression of young people.

Throughout the club/group year, volunteers progress actions relating to the Standards that will improve the running of the club/group and the experience of the young people attending the club/group. Where a club/group requires support with progressing the Standards, it can request this from the National Youth Organisation to which it is affiliated. A youth club/group that is not affiliated to a National Youth Organisation can request support from its local ETB (see contact details in Appendix 1 of the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme Application Form).

The LYCGS Application Form is also the reporting template for the National Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups. If you do not wish to apply for the grant, you need only complete Sections 1, 2 and 5 of the form. If you need any help in completing these sections of the form, please contact your National Youth Organisation (see details listed in Appendix 2 of the Form).

Download DDLETB Local Youth Club Grant Scheme Application form 2021

Download 2021 Local Youth Club Group Scheme Guidance Notes




Statement of Strategy – Further Education & Training 2021 – 2023

The Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris and Minister of State for Further Education and Skills Niall Collins launched a three-year strategy for the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.

Minister Harris said:

“The department has ambitious goals to reform our higher education sector, to grow our research and innovation system and to develop the skills agenda.

“At the heart of our department is an objective to ensure everyone regardless of their background, age, gender, or address – achieves their best potential, whether that is through education or the workforce.

Download the Statement of Strategy (English)

Download the Statement of Strategy (Irish)


You can listen to an interview with Minister Harris, discussing the new strategy on the Pat Kenny show on Newstalk.

The strategy sets out the department’s ambition to:

  • improve the transition to further and higher education for school leavers
  • implement a new 10-year strategy to improve literacy, numeracy and digital skills to ensure nobody is left behind
  • reform skills training and invest in upskilling and reskilling opportunities in areas of economic growth including in the area of green and digital skills
  • overhaul the Apprenticeship system and develop a new plan to increase apprenticeships to 10,000 every year
  • put in place a sustainable approach to higher education funding
  • introduce new legislation to reform higher education governance
  • undertake a national engagement on research and science and develop a renewed national strategy to succeed Innovation 2020
  • implement a new Access Plan for higher education and review the Student Grant Scheme
    grow our international reach and position Ireland as a leader in higher education and research
    support the establishment of Technological Universities across the country to improve access to higher education and to act as anchors for regional and national innovation and growth
  • advance North South co-operation in higher education and research
  • lead the COVID-19 response for the sector to enable higher and further education to respond to and recover from the ongoing crisis

Minister of State Collins added:

“The department has exciting plans to reform the skills agenda including a new Apprenticeship Action Plan, which will set out ambitious targets to increase the number of people participating in the earn and learn model.

“We will also be developing a series of initiatives to ensure our workforce has the right skills in the aftermath of the pandemic and in areas of economic growth.”

Jim Breslin, Secretary General of the department said:

“Our further and higher education and research systems represent a critical national asset which can support the future success of our citizens. Our Statement of Strategy identifies how, as a new department working with a vibrant sector, we can make a difference to our country’s future. We received tremendous engagement from across the organisation and from external stakeholders in developing our Strategy and we are eager to work with everyone on its implementation.”


Blanchardstown Youthreach Wins The Best Performance Award At Junk Kouture

There was some fantastic news for Blanchardstown Youthreach last week.

The Warrior team took the crown for Best Performance at the Youth Kouture competition.

DDLETB Winter Connect

What Is Junk Kouture ?

Junk Kouture is a global platform to unleash the creative brilliance of young people. One way it does this, is through a fashion competition which challenges the world’s most talented emerging designers, engineers, artists and performers to envision, create and model high-end couture from everyday junk!


Happy New Year From DDLETB



Happy New Year to all of our staff, students, trainees and adult learners.

2020 was a difficult, challenging year for many people. There was a lot of uncertainty and unfortunately, that continues as we start into a new year.

However, one thing we can be certain of, is that all of our staff will continue to provide high-quality education and training in the many forms that takes.

Best wishes for 2021!


DDLETB Newsletter – COVID Special!

We’re so happy to present the DDLETB Newsletter. The focus of this newsletter is on how our schools, centres and colleges have adapted to teaching and learning during the COVID pandemic.

We have contributions from every level, from infants, second-level, Youthreach and further education.

Download the DDLETB COVID Newsletter Dec 2020 Web


