Inaugral Meeting Of The DDLETB Quality Council

Following their successful re-engagement with QQI as a recognised, quality assured provider of further education and training programmes, Dublin and Dún Laoghaire ETB is delighted to have had its inaugural meeting of its Quality Council.  This body, which reports to the Chief Executive Officer, will have oversight of the governance and quality assured management of the over 2000 courses leading to certification that DDLETB delivers annually, and will guide the development of new QA policies and procedures, to ensure excellence in the delivery of programmes of further education and training into the future.

Council Members, from left to right: Ken Seery, Baldoyle Training Centre Manager, Sharon Hennessy Adult Education Officer,  Cecilia Munro Principal Dun Laoighre Further Education Institute, Ann Bray Principal Greenhills Community College, Clodagh Beare Quality Assurance Development Officer DDLETB, Fionnuala Anderson, Director Further Education & Training DDLETB , Deirdre McKeon, Tallaght Training Centre Manager, Kevin Harrington, Principal Stillorgan College of Further Education, Aisling Crowley, Youth Officer DDLETB

The council met on September 11 2018 and will meet three times a year. It will be supported in its work by a quality committee and a programmes committee.  At the first meeting, the members approved governance structures and terms of reference for all governance units overseeing the management of quality assurance for Further Education and Training programmes in DDLETB.

This is an exciting new development in DDLETB’s commitment to quality in all our programmes.

Donabate Community College celebrate Junior Certificate 2018

146 students from Donabate Community College  completed their Junior Certificate exams in June 2018 and were very happy about their results, thanking their teachers for their help and support throughout the last three years.

One student stated “Getting my results taught me a lot of things. It taught me to be more confident, to believe in myself, to be proud of myself and that when you really want something and you work hard for it, all of that hard work does pay off. Receiving my results was an amazing feeling and it was a day that I will always remember”.

“I would also tell students that it is good practice for the Leaving Cert and will be a great guide for the future so you know what to expect going into your Leaving Cert years and examinations. I would remind students that no matter what results you get, they don’t define you and it’s not the end of the world. Knowing that you tried your best and put the work in is an achievement in itself and is a skill that will follow you for life”.

All of the Junior Cert students are now in Fifth Year or Transition Year and they are very proud of their achievements. The school is very proud of all the students who really put a lot of effort into these exams. 

Junior Certificate Celebrations 2018 at Lucan Community College

Lucan Community College was a sea of smiles as our 2018 Junior Certificate/Cycle students received their results on September 12th.

Ms Birnie and Deputy Principals Mr Purcell, Mr Brett and Ms Kirwan very proud as the standard of results achieved this year were simply outstanding.

The staff of Lucan Community College joined in congratulating the 142 students who completed their examinations this year as they opened their results in a sun-drenched Memorial Garden.

Particular mention goes to top achiever Faye Murphy with 9As and a distinction (perfect grades in every subject) and the overall in the college.


While the results show the overall success of this year group, the college celebrates in particular the individual achievements of students who overcame challenges and setbacks and appreciate the help and support given to them along the way by parents and staff.


Blanchardstown Adult Education Service welcomes An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar

Blanchardstown Adult Education Service were delighted to welcome special guest, An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar to their end of year graduation ceremony on 31st May 2018. 

Students graduated from a wide variety of courses including Business and Information Technology, Digital Media, Administration and Secretarial studies, Nursing Studies, Childcare, English Language, Adult Literacy, Community Education programmes and Skills for Work programmes. They all gathered together on a glorious sunny day in the Further Education & Training Centre on leafy Mill Road.  

Adult Education Officer Sharon Hennessy hosted guests including Chief Executive of DDLETB Paddy Lavelle and Development Officers Rosemarie McGill and Geraldine CondronMargaret McLoughlin Manager of the Mountview Family Resource Centre spoke about the value of Community Education.  Two former students, Michelle Meehan and Kevin Nolan gave powerful accounts of their different learning journeys within the Adult Education Service.  Rosemarie McGill launched the annual book of student writings “Prose by non-Pros”. 

Chief Executive of DDLETB Mr. Paddy Lavelle congratulated the students who received certificates. He spoke about how students had made the choice to return to education and shape their own futures, and that this would have a positive and long-lasting effect on their families, friends and communities. Mr. Lavelle spoke of how “grit” – the determination to keep going when things get tough – was an important life skill which they developed in completing their course. This skill will be a strength to lean on in other aspects of their future lives. 

An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar told attendees that he was delighted to be part of their celebration, particularly as the service is part of his local constituency. He spoke of the variety of courses offered in the Adult Education Service, and also of the diversity of students receiving certificates, which reflects the vibrant diversity of Dublin 15 itself. He said that the students’ families and communities would benefit from their educational achievements.  

An added bonus was the glorious weather which allowed students, staff and guests to enjoy the refreshments and celebrations “al fresco”.


Adamstown Community College Ambassador Awards 2018

We are proud to announce that Adamstown Community College have been awarded our 4th consecutive Ambassador School Status from the Cycle Against Suicide organisation. This award recognises the consistent effort that the school community contributes to promoting positive mental health in the school. Lead by a group of senior students, The Cara Aires, many initiatives are organised in the school such as Wellbeing Week, a winter clothing drive, a staff vs student basketball match, anti-bullying peer support, restorative practice sessions and the inclusion of wellbeing as a core element throughout the curriculum.


The award was accepted by Principal Des Newton, along with link teacher Eimear Carroll and 6th year students, Chloe McKenna and Jessica Rea. The ceremony was held on 12th September in The Honorable Society of King’s Inns and featured an inspiring talk delivered by Helen McEntee TD who is passionate about spreading the core message, “It’s OK not to feel OK, and it is absolutely OK to ask for help.’’ Well done to everyone involved in this important organisation.


Open Night at Donabate Community College

Last Tuesday 11th September, Donabate Community College held their annual Open Night for incoming first year students.The night was a huge success, as a result of a huge collaborative effort from staff and students.

Prospective students and their parents were warmly welcomed and were introduced to several of the key aspects of the school including the use of digital devices in teaching and learning.

5th Year student, Jake O’Toole detailed the work being done in the school for the promotion of positive mental health and 2nd year students Daniel Stanford, Ronan Doyle and Niamh Neville, all spoke about their many experiences, and highlights of their first year in the school.

We would like to give huge thanks to the students, teachers and members of the Parents’ Council, who had a hand in making the night the huge success that it was.



Lucan Community College Open Evening 2018

Lucan Community College will host their 2018 Open Evening on September 27th 2018, 4pm to 5.30pm. This special event is for all 4th, 5th and 6th class students in Lucan who are considering attending the college.

The Open Evening has proven to be a very popular event with prospective students and their parents getting the opportunity to explore the college, meet the teachers and get a flavour of the wide and varied subjects on offer.

Contact the College directly for further information at Ph: 01 6282077 or email:



DDLETB Festival of Music 2018

Imagine the initial disappointment of having to cancel the Festival due to the snow on Wednesday Feb 28th after all the preparation by the students, teachers and organisers. From the auditions in November to the three choir rehearsals everyone had worked so hard. On contacting the National Concert Hall a few days later, we were delighted to be able reschedule for Tuesday Mar 13th.

It is a fantastic tribute to all involved, students, members of staff of Head Office, the schools and the National Concert Hall that all was ready for the Festival for the new date. What a night it was! The talent of all the students who took part was plainly evident. But talent will only get you so far. What the students and their teachers did by their hard work and practice resulted in a concert of high musical and performance standard. Soloists, groups and school choirs were an absolute joy to listen to. The massed choir of the DDLETB was outstanding demonstrating their talent and ability to perform various different styles of music. Those 180 students and their Musical Director, Ms. Vanessa Butler, deserve the highest praise. The choir offers the only possibility for students from across the DDLETB to perform together and that is a magnificent opportunity.
Paul Kingston, Carmel O’Neill and Aoife Staunton

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar visits Luttrellstown Community College

Luttrellstown Community College had a visit from Taoiseach Leo Varadkar on Friday April 20th 2018. He helped to celebrate three significant milestones in the history of the school: the opening of their Aonad, Colaiste na Tulcann, in August 2018; the launch of the Leaving Certificate Computer Science programme – the school were one of 40 schools selected by the Minister for Education and Skills to study the programme from September 2018 as part of his STEM Strategy and Action Plan for Education; and the quick progress of phase two of their schools building extension which will bring the school capacity to 1,000 pupils and is expected to be completed by Summer 2019.

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