This is a guest post by Youthreach Marketing and Development Facilitator, Marie Rankin. Marie recently travelled to Brussels with Christine Hughes, Youthreach Rush Coordinator and Ava Kessie, past student from Youthreach Rush who was invited to speak at the ‘Good Prospects For All Young People’ event.
It was with great excitement and pride that we began our journey at Dublin Airport heading to Brussels and the EU Commission. Ava, our Youthreach Rush past student was invited to speak at the ‘Good Prospects for All Young People’ event, to mark European Year of Youth and the launch of ALMA (Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve) which first member states have pledged 270 million euro to its implementation.
We jumped in a taxi at Brussels airport and our formula one driver sped us away! Speaking in French with him for half the journey, and chatting among ourselves, he suddenly said in perfect English are you English! No, Irish was our reply to which he began to say how happy the Irish are and always smiling and enjoying life!
Arriving late at night to our lovely First EuroFlat Hotel, we booked in, checked out each other’s rooms and the view of the EU Commission just outside our windows! We couldn’t stop laughing as we were just so excited. We headed off to bed to try sleep and be ready for the big day.
Breakfast continental style and then one-hour prep for Ava as we went through her points for her live interview. We needed to time it as she had around four to five minutes to speak. No bother at all to her! Lucky we heard her thoughts though on her time in Youthreach before we appeared live in studio as it was very emotional in that room.
Time seemed to be running so fast, so it was off to get ready and walk across to the EU Commission carrying our gift for the Commissioner; a special piece of art commissioned from our Youthreach Sallynoggin student Serge. Security checks and badges and again remarks from the main security guard about how much we smiled and laughed, so much so that he led us through a ‘special entrance’ on our own as if we were esteemed guests as everyone queuing looked on. Just the start of an amazing day!
We met everyone involved with EU Youth projects and the other students who were from Italy, Poland, Sweden and the Czech Republic. They would be in the main arena in the Schuman Room, but Ava, representing Youthreach and Ireland would be live in studio with Aminata the Belgium student. Cameras were being set up, numerous translators were arriving into their studio boxes and the countdown began. We headed down to studio and Ava was whisked away for makeup and to be mic’d-up.
We met EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Mr Nicolas Schmit. We had met him during his visit to our Youthreach Clondalkin centre, but this time we had a chance to really chat, talk in more detail about Youthreach, Ireland and share a few fun stories. It was then show time.
Ava was inspirational, informative and articulate as she spoke live about her life, why she chose Youthreach and most importantly how it changed her life trajectory and that of her children’s. She felt ‘seen’ for the first time in education, she felt her ‘voice was heard’ and she was ‘respected’. She said Youthreach ‘broke the cycle’ as she was ‘falling through the cracks of the system’ and it completely changed her life and the life of her children. It was very emotional for those present hearing it, and Ester who was looking after us for the day, had a tear in her eye when we came out of studio.
And that was it, live part over, as we headed back up to the beautiful Schuman Room to listen to and watch the rest of the event. Hearing from all those young people, highlighted the fact that every European country as the same issues and that the traditional education system does not fit or work for everyone.
All European programmes need to be supported and financed with all the supports available, so these amazing programmes that help young people get their education and change their lives for the better, can continue to prosper and expand. Hopefully, in the future we will see Youthreach students taking part in ALMA, so when they finish in Youthreach, they can have a supervised stay abroad for a period of 2 to 6 months in another EU Member State and receive comprehensive coaching and counselling at every step and all their financial costs covered.
The day was drawing to a close and Commissioner Schmit came in to see everyone, congratulate all the young people and the whole team. Christine Hughes our Youthreach Rush Coordinator presented him with our gift; the beautiful drawing by Serge our Youthreach Sallynoggin student. He was overwhelmed and sent a special message to Serge saying ‘how gifted and talented he was. The picture had an old man lighting a cigarillo. The Commissioner stated that now he had two presents from Ireland which would hang in his office and ‘normally in my office you cannot smoke, but that is ok’.
It was now time to say goodbye to everyone and leave the Commission. Some final formal & informal photos before our departure. Thank you so much to Virginia, Ester, Luiza, Pirkko and all the lovely people we met.
A special thanks to Commissioner Schmit for his warm & friendly welcome and his continuing support for young people and Youthreach. Looking forward to hopefully seeing you in September!
Tired legs & bodies, but hearts bursting with pride and feeling so positive for the future of Youthreach and the European commitment for numerous supports to guide and help young people with their education, personal skills, confidence and mental well-being.
Marie Rankin
IGNITE – Youth Development Through Sport 2022
/in Corporate News /by Jennifer FarleyIGNITE is a super programme for people aged 18–24 years old with an interest in Sport. It’s a full-time course, Monday – Friday and a training allowance is provided. It takes place at Castlemill Education Centre, Flemington Community Centre, Balbriggan, K32 P237.
IGNITE is designed to engage young people by combining the key elements of sport, youth work and education. The programme will enable participants to gain the skills and confidence to return to education or further training or progress to employment by learning new skills that will help them progress on this pathway. It will also empower the young people to become more involved in sporting opportunities in their own local communities.
On completion of IGNITE young people will receive accreditation from at least five sporting bodies in a variety of sports, complete a QQI level 3 module in interviewing skills & have an increased awareness of key skills including communication, problem-solving & teamwork.
The young people participating in this programme will have an opportunity to learn and grow in a safe but challenging environment within their own community
Elements of IGNITE include:
Coaching Certificates
– Rock Climbing Indoor Assistant Cert
Other Certificates
To find out more about the exciting opportunity in sports development, Contact
Darren Bruton,
Sports Officer
DDLETB Youth & Sport
Development Services
Mobile 087 218 0941
or use the QR Code below
DFEI Apprentice Wins Carpentry Competition At WorldSkills Ireland
/in Corporate News /by Jennifer FarleyDominic Flood Joinery DFEI
Founded in 1950, WorldSkills is a global organization that promotes vocational, technological, and service oriented education and training. It promotes skilled careers in over 80 countries. WorldSkills gives youth the chance to compete, experience, and learn how to become the best in their skill of choice. From the traditional trades to multi-skilled technology careers, social, ICT and service sectors, supported by partners, industries, governments, volunteers, and education and training institutions, WorldSkills is making a direct impact on raising the level of skills throughout the world.
The Government of Ireland joined WorldSkills International then called the International Vocational Training Organisation (IVTO) in 1956 to promote industrial growth through raising national standards and showcasing Irish talent. Since joining WorldSkills in 1957, Team Ireland has competed at every international competition since then winning 63 Gold medals, 53 Silver medals, 80 Bronze Medals and 174 Diplomas/Medallions of Excellence with 732 Team Ireland competitors.
Through the Department of Further and Higher Education Research and Innovation WorldSkills Ireland have organised and run the national competitions, each year since 1956 providing thousands of apprentices and the skilled youth of Ireland the chance to compete for the prestigious Silver Medal Award
The mission of Worldskills is
DDLETB Baldoyle Training Centre At The World Skills Event
/in Corporate News /by Jennifer FarleyBaldoyle Training Centre will be promoting the Electric Vehicle Maintenance course at the upcoming World Skills Event in the RDS. It takes place from 13th – 15th September. Baldoyle Training Centre will be in the ETB Green Skills Technology Area.
Worldskills Ireland is a partnership between enterprise, industry, education, training and government that raises the profile and recognition of skills and apprenticeships and prepares the talent of today for the careers of the future.
Find out more about the World Skills Event at the RDS here.
Worldskills Ireland 2022 will welcome students, parents, teachers and businesses from all across Ireland over 3 days, September 13th, 14th & 15th. Worldskills Ireland is a journey seeking to inspire with competitions, demonstrations and the Heroes Stage, inform through the Educator’s zone and reassure through the Career’s Live Zone.
Major capital funding for further education and training in Clondalkin
/in Corporate News /by Jennifer FarleyDDLETB FET Clondalkin Minister Harris Visit
The Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris T.D. received a warm welcome today in Clondalkin. He was visiting the Further Education and Training (FET) Centre in Monastery Road where he announced the awarding of a multi-million euro project to refurbish and extend the premises. Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board (DDLETB) has been providing FET to the local community for over 50 years. The centre in Clondalkin is one of 13 projects to be funded around the country as part of the FET Strategic Infrastructure Upgrade Fund.
Siobhan Lynch, Director of Further Education DDLETB
FET programmes and services in Clondalkin include three Community Colleges, two Youthreach Centres, Youth Services and an extensive Adult Education Service with an Adult Education Guidance Service. DDLETB also works in partnership with Clondalkin Adult Morning Education (CAME). In 2021, almost 600 learners ranging in age from 16 to 86 years attended courses in the Clondalkin area. Young learners in Youthreach can achieve certification in General Learning, Information and Communications Technology, Employability Skills, and Catering. The Adult Education Service provides daytime and evening services with courses in general learning, literacy, language skills, digital skills and skills for work. The service has also been providing English language support to Ukrainian refugees since April.
The Monastery Road building is located in the heart of Clondalkin village and was built in 1968. DDLETB provides a variety of further education and training services in the locality. The refurbished accommodation will form part of the Clondalkin Campus of a new College of FET for the local community, providing opportunities for all future learners.
DDLETB FET Clondalkin Minister Harris Visit
The Minister said, “The investments will support the replacement of ageing prefabs with modern teaching and learning spaces; expansion of capacity – including for apprenticeships and other training; bolstering of links to industry and to higher education; and improvements to Youthreach infrastructure.”
Caitríona Murphy, Chief Executive of DDLETB, welcomed the announcement, “This is a great day for our learners, our staff and the community. We are proud to have provided learning, support and development in the Clondalkin area for over 50 years. We are delighted now to have the funding to upgrade the campus. We look forward to welcoming even more young people and adults who wish to develop their skills, gain qualifications or improve their employment prospects.”
DDLETB FET Clondalkin Minister Harris Visit. Having a cup of tea.
Blackrock Map Designed By DDLETB BFEI Student
/in Corporate News /by Jennifer FarleyCongratulations to Blackrock Further Education Institute graduate Olga Porcu on today’s launch of the Blackrock Business Network map.
The map was designed by Olga, a Graphic Design student, in conjunction with the Blackrock Business Network. As of today, it will be available in the Dart station, coffee shops, BFEI and other locations around Blackrock. It will undoubtedly be a very useful tool for business in the Blackrock area.
BFEI Student Olga Map
Blackrock Map by BFEI Student Olga
‘Reach Fund 2022’ (formerly MAEDF) – Deadline Extended To 31 August
/in Corporate News /by Jennifer FarleyDDLETB’s Further Education and Training (FET) Service, in conjunction with SOLAS, has launched an open call for funding aimed at providing support for local Community Education providers/groups. Closing Date is 31 August 2022.
The Reach Fund builds on the success of previous fund and is intended to address educational disadvantage which may be experienced by learners.
Funding Categories
1. Learner assistance fund, inclusive of education outreach/mentoring projects/transport costs for learners/urgent educational response.
2. Innovative green projects.
3. Projects focused on increasing participation in learning with target cohorts.
4. Events/awareness campaigns that contribute to equality policy and legislation.
5. In line with the ALL strategy, specific actions that;
6. Community groups in pre-development phase to support the most marginalised and disadvantaged groups.
7. Support for refugee groups to support education and training delivery and promote/ support cultural and social inclusion, including research and/or needs analysis.
The closing date for submission of applications is Wednesday 31 August 2022 at 5.00 pm.
For any queries, please email
Click here to download the Reach Fund Guidelines.
Loughlinstown Training Centre Open Day – Wed 29th June
/in Corporate News /by Jennifer FarleyPathways to Your Future
Open Day Loughlinstown Training Centre
Thinking of retraining or upskilling? Are you looking for work?
Want to change career? Returning to Education?
You are invited!
• Get the latest on Further Education and Training opportunities
• Meet our Apprenticeship Training Advisors to discuss opportunities in Apprenticeship
• Free CV Clinics—get your CV ready for job hunting
• Career Guidance and Information Service available
29th June 2022 (Wednesday, 10 am—2pm)
Loughlinstown Training Centre, DDLETB, Wyattville Road, Loughlinstown, EIRCODE: A96YC66 ph: 01 2043600
Former Youthreach Student Speaks At The EU Commission
/in Corporate News /by Jennifer FarleyThis is a guest post by Youthreach Marketing and Development Facilitator, Marie Rankin. Marie recently travelled to Brussels with Christine Hughes, Youthreach Rush Coordinator and Ava Kessie, past student from Youthreach Rush who was invited to speak at the ‘Good Prospects For All Young People’ event.
It was with great excitement and pride that we began our journey at Dublin Airport heading to Brussels and the EU Commission. Ava, our Youthreach Rush past student was invited to speak at the ‘Good Prospects for All Young People’ event, to mark European Year of Youth and the launch of ALMA (Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve) which first member states have pledged 270 million euro to its implementation.
We jumped in a taxi at Brussels airport and our formula one driver sped us away! Speaking in French with him for half the journey, and chatting among ourselves, he suddenly said in perfect English are you English! No, Irish was our reply to which he began to say how happy the Irish are and always smiling and enjoying life!
Arriving late at night to our lovely First EuroFlat Hotel, we booked in, checked out each other’s rooms and the view of the EU Commission just outside our windows! We couldn’t stop laughing as we were just so excited. We headed off to bed to try sleep and be ready for the big day.
Breakfast continental style and then one-hour prep for Ava as we went through her points for her live interview. We needed to time it as she had around four to five minutes to speak. No bother at all to her! Lucky we heard her thoughts though on her time in Youthreach before we appeared live in studio as it was very emotional in that room.
Time seemed to be running so fast, so it was off to get ready and walk across to the EU Commission carrying our gift for the Commissioner; a special piece of art commissioned from our Youthreach Sallynoggin student Serge. Security checks and badges and again remarks from the main security guard about how much we smiled and laughed, so much so that he led us through a ‘special entrance’ on our own as if we were esteemed guests as everyone queuing looked on. Just the start of an amazing day!
We met everyone involved with EU Youth projects and the other students who were from Italy, Poland, Sweden and the Czech Republic. They would be in the main arena in the Schuman Room, but Ava, representing Youthreach and Ireland would be live in studio with Aminata the Belgium student. Cameras were being set up, numerous translators were arriving into their studio boxes and the countdown began. We headed down to studio and Ava was whisked away for makeup and to be mic’d-up.
We met EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Mr Nicolas Schmit. We had met him during his visit to our Youthreach Clondalkin centre, but this time we had a chance to really chat, talk in more detail about Youthreach, Ireland and share a few fun stories. It was then show time.
Ava was inspirational, informative and articulate as she spoke live about her life, why she chose Youthreach and most importantly how it changed her life trajectory and that of her children’s. She felt ‘seen’ for the first time in education, she felt her ‘voice was heard’ and she was ‘respected’. She said Youthreach ‘broke the cycle’ as she was ‘falling through the cracks of the system’ and it completely changed her life and the life of her children. It was very emotional for those present hearing it, and Ester who was looking after us for the day, had a tear in her eye when we came out of studio.
And that was it, live part over, as we headed back up to the beautiful Schuman Room to listen to and watch the rest of the event. Hearing from all those young people, highlighted the fact that every European country as the same issues and that the traditional education system does not fit or work for everyone.
All European programmes need to be supported and financed with all the supports available, so these amazing programmes that help young people get their education and change their lives for the better, can continue to prosper and expand. Hopefully, in the future we will see Youthreach students taking part in ALMA, so when they finish in Youthreach, they can have a supervised stay abroad for a period of 2 to 6 months in another EU Member State and receive comprehensive coaching and counselling at every step and all their financial costs covered.
The day was drawing to a close and Commissioner Schmit came in to see everyone, congratulate all the young people and the whole team. Christine Hughes our Youthreach Rush Coordinator presented him with our gift; the beautiful drawing by Serge our Youthreach Sallynoggin student. He was overwhelmed and sent a special message to Serge saying ‘how gifted and talented he was. The picture had an old man lighting a cigarillo. The Commissioner stated that now he had two presents from Ireland which would hang in his office and ‘normally in my office you cannot smoke, but that is ok’.
It was now time to say goodbye to everyone and leave the Commission. Some final formal & informal photos before our departure. Thank you so much to Virginia, Ester, Luiza, Pirkko and all the lovely people we met.
A special thanks to Commissioner Schmit for his warm & friendly welcome and his continuing support for young people and Youthreach. Looking forward to hopefully seeing you in September!
Tired legs & bodies, but hearts bursting with pride and feeling so positive for the future of Youthreach and the European commitment for numerous supports to guide and help young people with their education, personal skills, confidence and mental well-being.
Marie Rankin
Video – Adult Education Services In Ukrainian Language
/in Corporate News /by Jennifer FarleyDDLETB provide a wide range of services in their Adult Education Centres. Click on the link below (or click on the QR code) to view a video explaining these services narrated in the Ukrainian language.
Video in Ukrainian Language Adult Education Services
Ukrainian Video Of Adult Education Services Youtube QR Code
Our Balbriggan Loves Learning Festival 2022
/in Corporate News /by Jennifer FarleyLearning comes in all shapes and sizes, whether you’re a creative, an aspiring entrepreneur or just want to upgrade you digital skills the Our Balbriggan Loves Learning Festival has something for everybody.
The festival starts on April 23rd.
Focusing on the themes of enterprise, community and digital learning, the festival offers a range of engaging events to help you upskill yourself and learn about the services available in Balbriggan to get you there.
For resources and event information visit and register your interest in all upcoming workshops, training and more! – see you all from April 23rd!
Our Balbriggan Loves Learning Festival Whats On 2
Our Balbriggan Loves Learning Festival Whats On