Simon Harris Visiting Youthreach Clondalkin

Simon Harris & European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit Visit Youthreach Clondalkin

Simon Harris, Minister for Further and Higher Education and Nicolas Schmit European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights visited Youthreach Clondalkin last week.

The centre is co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and has won awards for helping young people who left school early to prepare and find employment.

Commissioner Schmit said, ‘It was very inspiring to join Minister Harris for a tour of the Clondalkin Youthreach Centre which is co-funded by the EU. The young people we met told us that Youthreach is like a community where they are really supported. Their talents are developed and they find jobs or further education.’

Youthreach is a programme for people aged between 16 to 20 years who left school early and would like to get guidance, training and work experience and qualifications.

Youthreach is all about personal development, training and education and each centre offers a safe and supportive place to learn. Young people who have been assessed as having multiple learning difficulties also benefit from a Special Education Needs Programme.

The Commissioner’s visit to Youthreach provides an example of how ESF funding continues to build opportunities for young people across Europe.

Ukraine Flag DDLETB Adult Education Services

DDLETB Adult Education Service Offers Support For Ukrainian Refugees

As part of the response to the crisis in Ukraine, the Adult Education Guidance Service is the point of contact for refugees.  Below you can find the contact details for each of the DDLETB Adult Education Services.

  • Adult Education Guidance and Information Service Tallaght- Clondalkin-Lucan

    Adult Guidance


Ukraine Support DDLETB

DDLETB Stands In Solidarity With Ukraine

Dublin and Dún Laoghaire ETB stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people at this immensely difficult time. We are shocked and saddened by the terrible events happening in the country. We condemn this act of aggression from Russia in the strongest possible terms as it constitutes a crime under international law and threatens the international order.

DDLETB advocates for an immediate and peaceful end to the conflict.

Our thoughts go to all of our students and staff from the Ukrainian community.

It is important to distinguish between Putin and Russia. We commend members of our Russian community at home and abroad who are supporting peace.

Support through donation

We understand that NGOs on the ground in Ukraine are now asking for financial donations rather than donation of goods. If you are considering donating or raising funds, the following organisations are well respected and experienced in providing support.

Donate to Concern Worldwide

Donate to UNICEF

Donate to the Red Cross (Ireland)

Donate to the Red Cross (Ukraine)

DDLETB stands with Ukraine.


Local Youth Club Scheme 2022

Apply Now For The Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS)

The Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS) supports volunteer-led youth club/group activities at a local level. Funding for the Scheme is provided by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) and is administered locally by Education and Training Boards (ETBs) on behalf of DCEDIY. The ETB is considered to be a co-grantor for this Scheme.

The Scheme supports voluntary youth club/group activities for young people; with priority given to clubs/groups catering for young people aged 10–21. The primary focus of the Scheme is to assist local, volunteer-led youth clubs/groups that provide a programme of youth work activities for young people. In addition, other clubs/groups that work with young people, but are not specifically providing youth work, are also entitled to apply for funding under the Scheme.

To support the work of volunteers, and to ensure that quality standards are adhered to in their work with young people, DCEDIY has incorporated the National Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups (NQSVLYG) into the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS).

DDLETB LYCGS Application form 2022 Final – Closing Date 1st April

Local Youth Club Grant Scheme Guidance Note 2022

Local Youth Club Scheme 2022 1

DDLETB Youthreach Student Card

New Youthreach Student Card

DDLETB Youthreach Student Card front

Introducing the NEW Youthreach Student Card in association with International Student Identity Card (ISIC). DDLETB is the first ETB to offer all our Youthreach students in our eleven centres an internationally recognised student card.

ISIC offers both virtual and plastic cards, allowing students around the world to instantly prove their official student status and access over 150,000 student discounts and offers worldwide.

The Youthreach programme is a Department of Education and Skills official education, training and work experience programme for early school leavers aged 16-20 and is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund as part of the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning. It promotes independence, personal autonomy, active citizenship and helps create a pattern of lifelong learning.

Students have opportunities to acquire certification through QQI accredited courses. Dublin & Dun Laoghaire Education & Training Board (DDLETB) operate eleven Youthreach centres where students receive an allowance each week depending on age, along with transport and meal allowances. The curriculum can differ from centre to centre, is varied (academic & non-academic) and focuses on the holistic development of the individual within a learning environment which is structured, challenging, student-centred and participant-led.

If you would like to know more about Youthreach check out DDLETBYouthreach social media or call into your nearest centre. You can find all the details on our website. Alternatively, you can check out the Further Education and Training Hub (FETCH) online.

DDLETB Youthreach Student Card back

DDLETB Youthreach Student Card back

Final Mural

Balbriggan Youthreach Meals On Wheels Mural

This is a guest post from Sophie Smyth at Balbriggan Youthreach outlining a fantastic project completed by the students. 

Balbriggan Meals on Wheels reserved outdoor wall space for a mural.

Initial Sketches

Our students from Balbriggan Youthreach brainstormed and complied ideas and designs into a composition that fitted the wall dimensions.

0002 Colour Scheme

Colour Scheme

Students decided on a specific colour palette and a trip to EEC Hardware Balbriggan was needed to order the paint. Thank you to ECC Hardware Balbriggan for all your help!

0003 Sketching The Wall

Sketching The Wall

The fantastic artist Alison O’Grady kindly sketched the wall for us and guided us through the whole process. We are very grateful to have worked alongside her. So, thank you Alison for everything!

Mural Being Painted

Mural Being Painted

Our students of Balbriggan Youthreach and tutor Sophie painted this mural which celebrates the creativity of young people, the committed work of Meals on Wheels and the beauty of Balbriggan town.

Final Mural

DDLETB Christmas Opening Hours

Happy Christmas From DDLETB

Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board offices will be closed from Thursday 23rd December 2021 and will reopen on Tuesday 4 January 2022. We wish all our staff and students a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

DDLETB Christmas Opening Hours

Lyndsay Balfe DDLETB Apple Coding Week

DDLETB Swords Community College Teacher Lyndsay Balfe & The Magic Of Coding

Lyndsay Balfe DDLETB Apple Coding Week

Lyndsay Balfe Image copyright Apple

Lyndsay Balfe is a woodworking teacher at DDLETB Swords Community College. Lyndsay is also an Apple Distinguished Educator and leads the school’s 1:1 iPad program, which provides an iPad for each student and teaching staff member.

To celebrate Coding Week, (September 27th – October 1st), Lyndsay is featured on the Apple website where she talks about how she got started with coding and how she brings the idea of process into her classes.

“I find the mind-set of coding a more thoughtful approach,” she says. “In breaking things down into steps, you’re thinking about the why. You’re thinking about the bigger picture and everything that’s involved in it. We want to develop those kinds of critical thinking skills with our students so that they’re equipped to tackle whatever challenges the future holds for them.”

Congratulations to Lyndsay on her wonderful work and for being featured on the Apple website celebrating coding week. You can read more about it here.

DDLETB schools/ centres are technically advanced and are dedicated to innovation in education.  Schools/ centres receive ongoing support and training from our DDLETB Digital Connect Team.


Apply Now For The Targeted Youth Employability Support Initiative (TYESI)

The aim of the Targeted Youth Employability Support Initiative (TYESI) is to engage and support the harder to reach young people aged 15 to 24 years who are not currently in employment, education, or training.

Click here to download the TYESI Application Form.

Completed applications must be returned to Denise Cummins no later than Friday 17th September 2020

TYESI Guidance Document

More information about TYESI

The focus of the initiative is on soft skills and developing these in relation to employability. It is to assist young people to attain a level of confidence and agency to engage in currently available programmes or services, for example, Youthreach.

Short focussed interventions are to provide community-based support to young people to attain a level of confidence and agency to engage in a wide range of currently available progression routes to further education and training programmes and/or employment.

The successful applicants will be expected to work with ‘hard to reach’ cohorts of young people. A certain amount of flexibility is available to organisations in the design and content of their proposed programmes/actions under the Initiative. Good governance and evaluation must be part of the approach being proposed.


The objectives of the Targeted Youth Employability Support Initiative (TYESI) are as follows:

1. Engage young people in the TYESI target group focusing on their support needs to develop their personal and social development outcomes, preparing them for onward progression to further education, training and/or employment.

2. Provide safe, welcoming, non-judgemental spaces.

3. Provide quality, evidence-based interventions that respond to the needs of the target group/needs identified by the ETB which operate from a process of ongoing review and monitoring.

4. Implement a range of methods including but not limited to small group work, large group work, one to one, coaching and mentoring, outreach in the recruitment of and engagement with young people throughout the programme.

5. As far as is practical, involve young people in the development, delivery and evaluation of the interventions under the TYESI.

6. Proposals must clearly demonstrate additionality to and non-duplication of existing services.

7. Communicate and collaborate with all stakeholders to achieve the best possible outcomes for young people.

Target Group & Needs:

The target group for the TYESI is young people between the ages of 15 and 24 (inclusive), who are not currently in employment, education, or training. In particular applicants should consider the following in presenting their proposals:

• Young people experiencing economic disadvantage

• Young people who live in communities with higher than average levels of youth unemployment or intergenerational unemployment,

• Young people experiencing marginalisation or are at risk of not flourishing, have little or no formal structure in their lives, or are experiencing significant isolation from their community or peers.


Click here to download the TYESI Application Form.

Completed applications must be returned to Denise Cummins  

 no later than  Friday 17th September 2020 

TYESI Guidance Document