Ukraine DDLETB

Ireland’s Education and Training Boards lead national education response to those fleeing Ukraine

Sixteen one-stop shops for all schools, English classes, and ICT devices amongst measures

Education and Training Boards (ETBs) are coordinating the development of sixteen multi-agency Regional Education and Language Teams (REALT), delivering English Language classes, and deploying laptops and tablets to support schools providing places for Ukrainian children.

Each Regional Education and Language Team includes professionals and representatives from Tusla’s Education Support Service, school psychological services, special education needs specialists and school management bodies. ETBs also have
• A dedicated Coordinator to support each Regional Education and Language Team
• A dedicated school support email and phone number
• A dedicated register of ICT devices (laptops, notebooks, tablets, and other mobile devices) to facilitate eLearning.

While schools continue to be the primary contact point for Ukrainian families seeking places for their children, the Regional Education and Language Teams will assist those schools in terms of supporting capacity, sharing information and resources including those for ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages).

ETB Further Education & Training (FET) services will play a key role in the delivery of ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages) providing
• A single point of contact for ESOL provision through their Adult Education Officer
• Access to nationwide network of adult guidance services
• A Family Learning ESOL toolkit.

Welcoming these developments, ETBI General Secretary Paddy Lavelle stated: “Because of our nationwide locations and in-house administrative supports, Education and Training Boards are ideally placed to co-ordinate this response in collaboration with our partners across the entire school sector. We are all focussed on making the initial entry into our education system as stress-free as possible for our Ukrainian arrivals. ETBI has also appointed a designated lead to support our ETB members and we are liaising closely with the Department of Education and the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.”

“I have also been delighted to hear stories of compassion and warmth about our member ETBs, their staff and learners from welcome and information sessions in Co Dublin to a traditional music and dance school welcome and parent and baby English classes in Co Clare” he concluded.

You can download this statement in the following languages:

ETBI Press Release Irish

ETBI Press Release RUSSIAN


Ireland’s Education and Training Boards lead national education response to those fleeing Ukraine

Information Session For Ukrainian Refugees Tallaght Library

Information Session for Ukrainian Refugees In Tallaght Library Friday 8 April

Tallaght Adult Education Service are running an information session on English language courses and education and training options available in the local community.

The session takes pages at Friday 8th April at 10am – 12pm at the County Library Tallaght, The Square, Tallaght D24 A3EX.

See the flyers below for more information.

AES SW Welcome and Information Flyer for Ukrainians A5 Page 1 AES SW Welcome and Information Flyer for Ukrainians A5 Page 2 web

Kingswood Apple Distinguished School Banner

Kingswood Community College Recognised As An Apple Distinguished School

Kingswood Apple Distinguished School Photo

Kingswood Apple Distinguished School Photo

KCC has been recognised as an Apple Distinguished School 2021 – 2024, for their innovative and creative use of iPads in Teaching and Learning.

Since the foundation of Kingswood Community College the staff have always embraced Digital Technology and the iPad. They took their time to master their craft, developing their skills through CPD. They strive to ensure that the iPad is not just a glorified book or tool for learning, it is a gateway to develop the skills that are not only necessary to succeed in school but also in later life.

As the school developed students became the leaders in the implementation of the iPad. They became the Digital Leaders and developed a student-led initiative to offer peer-to-peer support to the younger year groups. Their student team has been and continues to be integral in the successful implementation of the iPad in KCC.

Kingswood Apple Distinguished School Students

Kingswood Apple Distinguished School Students

In 2018, KCC began the journey with UDL or Universal Design for Learning. UDL’s aim is to provide a fully inclusive environment that aims to make learning accessible to all. The use of the iPad became a perfect fit to allow teachers to enact the principals of UDL. The application for ‘Apple Distinguished School’ was an exemplar of just how seamlessly digital technology allows for the successful implementation of UDL.

Kingswood CC are lucky to have an innovative, driven & hard-working team of staff and students who continue to strive for excellence in our Trad-Digital school.

Robert Dunne is the Apple Distinguished School Coordinator at Kingswood Community College.

I have always been a strong advocate for the enhancement of teaching and learning through appropriate uses of technology. We can’t keep doing the same thing repeatedly and expect to keep up with the needs of our students. The creativity possible on iPad has put a powerful resource in our students hand. A resource that provides an independence and autonomy in their learning and fosters a problem solving culture amongst students. With our UDL focus, personalised learning has reached a new high. This formed the golden thread through our successful application to become an Apple Distinguished School.

Huge congratulations to the entire Kingswood CC community.

You can find out more about their story here.

Kingswood Apple Distinguished School Banner

Kingswood Apple Distinguished School Banner

Skerries Flag Raising

Flag Raising At Skerries Community College

Skerries Flag Raising

Skerries Flag Raising

Skerries Community College recently had a flag-raising ceremony to celebrate a 100 years of Irish independence. Below, Eamonn O’Reilly, teacher at the school gives some history and describes the Flag Raising Ceremony.

Skerries, has always had a rich history , dating back to the days of Saint Patrick attempt to convert the natives, and what they did to his goat and to Viking invasions.

However, today we are here to celebrate Ireland’s 100 years , since independence.
100 years ago, Ireland was one of the first countries, to throw off the mantle of British imperialism.
It was a small country starting its life, emerging like the rest of Europe from the devastation of the Great war.
Our Flag represents how the two communities, at the time, both protestant and catholic, could come together to form one nation.
Skerries Flag Raising 1

Skerries Flag Raising 

So, 100 years on. Ireland, a small nation on the periphery of Europe, shows, now, more than ever, to the rest of Europe, how tolerance and understanding, can exist in a country which had, at one time, an extremely troubled past.”
The Mayor of Fingal, was in attendance, we had the national anthem played, by the college’s orchestra and the occasion was signed by the TY sign language class of Ms Brennan.
The head boy and girl hoisted the flag.
Skerries Flag Raising 3

Skerries Flag Raising 

Community Integration Project

Minister O’Gorman invites applications to the Communities Integration Fund 2022

•            €500,000 will be made available to local community-based projects nationwide to support the integration of migrants.

•            Grants of up to €5,000 will be allocated to successful organisations to support integration initiatives.

The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, today approved €500,000 in funding under the Communities Integration Fund 2022.

Now in its sixth year, the Communities Integration Fund celebrates the rich cultural diversity within local communities and enables local community-based organisations across Ireland to play a greater role in supporting the integration of migrants.  Successful organisations stand to receive grant funding of €1,000 – €5,000 to support local integration initiatives.

Welcoming the announcement, Minister O’Gorman said:

“I am delighted to announce the launch of the Communities Integration Fund 2022. Irish society has been enriched by increased cultural diversity and we must ensure that migrants are supported to actively participate in Irish society while maintaining their own cultural identity. This funding will bolster the great work being done by local communities to welcome new cultures.” 

How to apply:

Applicants can access a detailed guidance document and complete an online application form here.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 12 pm on Wednesday 6th April 2022.


Purpose of projects/activities

This call is open to local community-based groups and centres around 10 key themes to support migrant integration:

  • Intercultural Awareness;
  • Combating Racism and Xenophobia;
  • Sport & Community Games;
  • Arts;
  • Food/Cuisine;
  • Community Events;
  • Capacity Building;
  • Employment;
  • Education;
  • Integration Research.



Simon Harris Visiting Youthreach Clondalkin

Simon Harris & European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit Visit Youthreach Clondalkin

Simon Harris, Minister for Further and Higher Education and Nicolas Schmit European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights visited Youthreach Clondalkin last week.

The centre is co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and has won awards for helping young people who left school early to prepare and find employment.

Commissioner Schmit said, ‘It was very inspiring to join Minister Harris for a tour of the Clondalkin Youthreach Centre which is co-funded by the EU. The young people we met told us that Youthreach is like a community where they are really supported. Their talents are developed and they find jobs or further education.’

Youthreach is a programme for people aged between 16 to 20 years who left school early and would like to get guidance, training and work experience and qualifications.

Youthreach is all about personal development, training and education and each centre offers a safe and supportive place to learn. Young people who have been assessed as having multiple learning difficulties also benefit from a Special Education Needs Programme.

The Commissioner’s visit to Youthreach provides an example of how ESF funding continues to build opportunities for young people across Europe.

Ukraine Flag DDLETB Adult Education Services

DDLETB Adult Education Service Offers Support For Ukrainian Refugees

As part of the response to the crisis in Ukraine, the Adult Education Guidance Service is the point of contact for refugees.  Below you can find the contact details for each of the DDLETB Adult Education Services.

  • Adult Education Guidance and Information Service Tallaght- Clondalkin-Lucan

    Adult Guidance


Ukraine Support DDLETB

DDLETB Stands In Solidarity With Ukraine

Dublin and Dún Laoghaire ETB stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people at this immensely difficult time. We are shocked and saddened by the terrible events happening in the country. We condemn this act of aggression from Russia in the strongest possible terms as it constitutes a crime under international law and threatens the international order.

DDLETB advocates for an immediate and peaceful end to the conflict.

Our thoughts go to all of our students and staff from the Ukrainian community.

It is important to distinguish between Putin and Russia. We commend members of our Russian community at home and abroad who are supporting peace.

Support through donation

We understand that NGOs on the ground in Ukraine are now asking for financial donations rather than donation of goods. If you are considering donating or raising funds, the following organisations are well respected and experienced in providing support.

Donate to Concern Worldwide

Donate to UNICEF

Donate to the Red Cross (Ireland)

Donate to the Red Cross (Ukraine)

DDLETB stands with Ukraine.


Local Youth Club Scheme 2022

Apply Now For The Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS)

The Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS) supports volunteer-led youth club/group activities at a local level. Funding for the Scheme is provided by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) and is administered locally by Education and Training Boards (ETBs) on behalf of DCEDIY. The ETB is considered to be a co-grantor for this Scheme.

The Scheme supports voluntary youth club/group activities for young people; with priority given to clubs/groups catering for young people aged 10–21. The primary focus of the Scheme is to assist local, volunteer-led youth clubs/groups that provide a programme of youth work activities for young people. In addition, other clubs/groups that work with young people, but are not specifically providing youth work, are also entitled to apply for funding under the Scheme.

To support the work of volunteers, and to ensure that quality standards are adhered to in their work with young people, DCEDIY has incorporated the National Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups (NQSVLYG) into the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS).

DDLETB LYCGS Application form 2022 Final – Closing Date 1st April

Local Youth Club Grant Scheme Guidance Note 2022

Local Youth Club Scheme 2022 1

DDLETB Youthreach Student Card

New Youthreach Student Card

DDLETB Youthreach Student Card front

Introducing the NEW Youthreach Student Card in association with International Student Identity Card (ISIC). DDLETB is the first ETB to offer all our Youthreach students in our eleven centres an internationally recognised student card.

ISIC offers both virtual and plastic cards, allowing students around the world to instantly prove their official student status and access over 150,000 student discounts and offers worldwide.

The Youthreach programme is a Department of Education and Skills official education, training and work experience programme for early school leavers aged 16-20 and is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund as part of the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning. It promotes independence, personal autonomy, active citizenship and helps create a pattern of lifelong learning.

Students have opportunities to acquire certification through QQI accredited courses. Dublin & Dun Laoghaire Education & Training Board (DDLETB) operate eleven Youthreach centres where students receive an allowance each week depending on age, along with transport and meal allowances. The curriculum can differ from centre to centre, is varied (academic & non-academic) and focuses on the holistic development of the individual within a learning environment which is structured, challenging, student-centred and participant-led.

If you would like to know more about Youthreach check out DDLETBYouthreach social media or call into your nearest centre. You can find all the details on our website. Alternatively, you can check out the Further Education and Training Hub (FETCH) online.

DDLETB Youthreach Student Card back

DDLETB Youthreach Student Card back