Youth and Sport Development Service
DDLETB aims to provide a wide range of supports that enable the delivery and coordination of high quality educational, sporting, recreational and developmental programmes, projects and services to disadvantaged young people. This is done in partnership with local communities, voluntary groups and voluntary youth organisations such as Crosscare, Foróige and YMCA and we have a strong history of collaboration with local county councils.
Youth Work is a planned programme of education to enhance the personal and social development of young people which is complementary to their formal, academic or vocational education and training.
Alternative Learning Programme (ALP) Booklet
The aim of ALP is to engage participants in an informal learning environment, to establish beneficial routines and positive social interactions. ALP fosters an environment of mutual respect, encouragement, inclusiveness and personal responsibility. Click here to download the Alternative Learning Programme booklet.
Youth & Sport Development Policies & Documents
Youth & Sport Child Safeguarding Statement (V3 – 01/12/23)
DDLETB Youth and Sports Development Service Plan April 2019
Youth & Sports Development Service Socioeconomic Profile