Youthreach Balbriggan

Youthreach Balbriggan is located in the heart of Balbriggan and provides a quality education programme for young people in a positive learning environment, where individuals are supported to progress onto further education/training/employment.

The project is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union. Visit to learn more about European Funding. 

Programme Offered

Youthreach Balbriggan Programmes

Contact Details:

Co-ordinator: Frances Killeen

Address: 1st Floor, Sarsfield House, Mill Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. K32K82

Tel: (01) 968 0600


Social Media: Twitter – @balbrigganyr

Facebook – @youthreachbalbriggan

Instagram – @youthreachbalbriggan

Youthreach Balbriggan On Youtube